At MACC, we understand the importance of giving back to the community, whether through time or financial donations. It’s our way of showing that we care and that we appreciate our clients, our community, and those who have supported us throughout the years.
Here is a list of charities and organizations we support and have stood by with financial or time donations:
Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund
Established by Houston’s Mayor Turner and Harris County Judge Emmett, the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund aims to provide short-term and long-term relief for Harris County and Houston residents, which may also include Fort Bend or Montgomery County residents. MACC has proudly raised $1,895 in support of the families affected by Hurricane Harvey.
West Virginia Flood Victims
The devastating floods that swept through southeastern West Virginia killed dozens and left thousands homeless, without power, and unable to access necessary supplies. Declared as a major disaster, the victims needed immediate care, attention, and financial relief in order to get back on their feet. We were fortunate enough to provide financial aid in to show that we care.
In addition, we raised $1,425 for the Neighbors Loving Neighbors organization to aid victims of heavy flood damage.
Wounded Warriors
We have supported Wounded Warriors, specifically the EOD Warrior Foundation, that aims to provide financial assistance and support to active-duty and veterans who are wounded, injured or ill, the families of fallen or wounded EOD soldiers, as well as to maintain the EOD Memorial. Our wounded and fallen warriors deserve all the support they can get and we support them fully.
SPCA of Fredericksburg

Abandoned and neglected animals deserve a second chance at a loving home, which is why we’ve donated repairs to their systems in order to keep their doors open and their adoption process running smoothly. We are proud to support the SPCA of Fredericksburg and the animals who call it home.
Hanover Tavern Foundation

As a vibrant center for community life, The Tavern was restored to its original state for historical, educational, community and cultural purposes, hosting various events and educational programs. Through successful fundraising and help from the community, The Tavern remains an important part of history in modern-day society.
The Manchester Shrine Club of ACCA Shrine – supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children

Children are an important part of our future and are worth fighting for. With the help of The Manchester Shrine Club of ACCA Shrine, we’ve been able to see the lives of children changing, whether or not their families have been able to contribute towards their care. Together, we’ve been able to let kids be kids.
Lakeside Volunteer Rescue Squad

As a network of first responders, Lakeside Volunteer Rescue Squad consists of a team of highly trained EMT and Paramedic volunteers who come together in times of emergencies. The program remains active through funding from donations, grants, Henrico County fund allocations, and the Four-for-Life program.
Henrico Lodge Charitable Foundation
Working tirelessly to create a close partnership between the public, law enforcement community, and businesses to create a safer and more secure community for future growth and constructive social change in Henrico County, Virginia, and surrounding communities through educational programs involving law enforcement officers.
Prevent Blindness

Prevent Blindness is an organization that aims to prevent blindness and promote vision health from infancy and early childhood onward. They provide educational resources, technical assistance, and influence public policy for better vision screening and prevention.
We fully support their initiative in the fight against blindness.
Make A Wish Foundation

Helping to aid volunteers, donors, and supporters who come together to fulfill the wish of a child diagnosed with a critical illness, we couldn’t be more proud to support the Make A Wish Foundation.
They believe that wishes make the life of a child better, especially for those living with a critical illness.
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Committed to transforming the lives of those living with muscular dystrophy, ALS, and related neuromuscular diseases, the Muscular Dystrophy Association provides funding for neuromuscular disease research and supports multidisciplinary clinics that provide high-quality care at more than 150 top medical institutions in the country.
Short Pump Ruritan Club – Fisher House Foundation
Comprising a group of patriotic, community-minded individuals, the Short Pump Ruritan Club offers good fellowship, goodwill, and performs acts of community service in order to create a positive impact on the community.
We were fortunate enough to aid in the Short Pump Ruritan Club donation towards the Fisher House Foundation, providing support for military families.
Dedicated To Our Clients & Our Community
As an independent control systems contractor specializing in commercial and industrial facility automation systems, we aim to put the needs of our clients and community above all else. Our team does this by actively supporting charitable organizations where we can to create a better future for those involved.